Active and reactive monitoring


The differences between active and reactive monitoring

Active monitoring methods (health and safety inspections, sampling
and tours) and their usefulness:
• differences between the methods;
• frequency;
• competence and objectivity of people doing them;
• use of checklists;
• allocation of responsibilities and priorities for action

Reactive monitoring measures and their usefulness:

  • Data on accidents, dangerous occurrences, near misses, ill-health, complaints by
    workforce, and enforcement action and incident investigations
  • Why lessons need to be learnt from beneficial and adverse events
    The difference between leading and lagging indicators.

Events The difference between leading and lagging indicators.

H and S Monitoring

What is active monitoring

What are the objectives of Active monitoring in any organization?

Active monitoring is a system of monitoring to ensure that H&S standards are correct in the workplace before accidents, incidents are caused.

The main objective of Active monitoring to prevent the accidents.

Active monitoring intension is to identify ( Importance of Active Monitoring) :

  • conformance with standards , so that good H&S performance is recognised and (Compliance Follow up )
  • non- conformance with standards can be identified, and corrective action is

Identify the Unsafe Act , Unsafe Condition , potentially hazardous conditions, mistakes, H&S violations , H&S deficiencies, H&S breaches etc.)

Active Monitoring Techniques

Active methods monitor the design, development, installation and operation of management

arrangements. These tend to be preventive in nature.

  • routine inspections of premises, plant and equipment by staff
  • health surveillance to prevent harm to health
  • planned function check regimes for key pieces of plant

Methods of active monitoring ( ways of active monitoring)

  1. Safety sampling
  2. Safety Audit
  3. safety tours
  4. safety inspection ( Workplace Inspection)
  5. safety
  6. Health Surveillance
  7. Benchmarking
  8. Climate Survey
  9. Behavioural Observations
  10. Safety ConversationsActive Monitoring Techniques

Features of Active monitoring

Systematic Inspections, Audit, Surveys, Samplings , tours etc.


Observation Plant Premises
  • Machinery, Equipment
  • Vehicles, Truck ,FLTs
  • Workplace.
  • Environment.( Dust, Noise , Temperature, Space, Lighting etc.)
Interviewing People
  • Working methods.
  • Behaviour.
Examination Procedures
  • Safe systems.
  • Method statements.
  • Permits-to-work.

Practice Question Active and reactive monitoring

Q1- What are the features of Active monitoring?

Q2- How to carry out the safety inspection at the workplace?

Q3- What should be considered when planning a H&S inspection program?

Note: information  on the  specific workplace behaviours or conditions that might be covered in an inspection is not required.

(Hint-   objective   and   type of inspection requirements, Recording methods)

See Also –

What are the advantages of Safety Survey over Safety inspection?

Health Surveillance

Active and reactive monitoring