Ever wonder how an aircraft is maintained? Or who is responsible for maintaining it? The answer is an aircraft maintenance engineer. Aircraft maintenance engineers are responsible for keeping an aircraft in peak operating condition. This includes scheduled and unscheduled maintenance and performing repairs when necessary.

What Does an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Do?

The duties of an aircraft maintenance engineer can be divided into two broad categories: scheduled maintenance and unscheduled maintenance.

  • Scheduled Maintenance:

Scheduled maintenance is preventative and is performed at regular intervals specified by the manufacturer. This type of maintenance is important because it helps to identify potential problems before they become actual problems. It also ensures that all systems on the aircraft are operating as they should be. Scheduled maintenance can be performed by the airline or an independently certified repair station.

  • Unscheduled Maintenance:

Unscheduled maintenance is repair work that must be performed on an aircraft outside the regularly scheduled intervals. This type of maintenance can be triggered by anything from component failures to weather damage. When unscheduled maintenance is required, it is typically performed by an independently certified repair station.

In some cases, the airline may choose to outsource its maintenance operations to an independent contractor. The contracted company would perform the necessary maintenance and repairs in this case.

How an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Can Help?

An aircraft maintenance engineer is an important part of any aircraft maintenance program. They are responsible for performing scheduled and unscheduled aircraft maintenance and repairs. AME entrance exam syllabus also include expertise in troubleshooting and diagnosing any problems with an aircraft, as well as performing routine maintenance and repairs. They can also help to maintain records of aircraft maintenance history, helping to ensure that the aircraft is operating safely and efficiently.

Having an experienced aircraft maintenance engineer on your team can help ensure that any issues with your aircraft are identified and addressed promptly. They can also help you identify ways to improve the safety of your aircraft, as well as ensure that it is operating efficiently and properly. An aircraft maintenance engineer can be valuable to any airline or aviation company.

In addition to providing expertise in aircraft maintenance, an engineer who have cleared Aircraft maintenance engineering Exam can also help to educate airline personnel on the importance of safe and efficient aviation practices. They can provide valuable insight into ways to improve the safety and performance of an aircraft, as well as provide recommendations for the best maintenance practices.

At the end of the day, an aircraft maintenance engineer is an important part of any successful aviation operation. They provide valuable expertise in keeping your aircraft safe and operational and help ensure that it is operating optimally. When it comes to aircraft maintenance, having a certified and experienced aircraft maintenance engineer on your team is essential.

What Qualifications Does an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Need?

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) must certify an aircraft maintenance engineer. This certification is called an Airframe & Powerplant (A&P) License and requires a person to complete at least 18 months of approved training. In addition to the A&P license, a person must have an FAA Inspection Authorization (IA) to perform more technical inspections and maintenance tasks. An IA requires that a person complete at least 6 months of specialized training and pass the appropriate exams. Any aircraft maintenance engineer employed by an airline or contractor must have the A&P and IA certifications.

To maintain their certifications, aircraft maintenance engineers must also attend continuing education courses and keep up-to-date with the latest aircraft maintenance and repair advancements. This helps to ensure that any maintenance performed is done correctly, safely, and efficiently.

Having an experienced and certified aircraft maintenance engineer on your team is essential. They provide valuable expertise in keeping your aircraft safe and operational and help ensure that it is operating optimally. Working with a certified, experienced aircraft maintenance engineer can make a world of difference in the safety and performance of your aircraft.


Aircraft maintenance engineers play a vital role in keeping aircraft safe and operational. By performing scheduled and unscheduled maintenance, they help ensure that all systems on the aircraft are functioning properly. So now you know if you’re curious about who is responsible for maintaining your aircraft!