Journalism and mass communication are areas that form an important part of any economy. Students who wish to make a career in this field can pursue an MA journalism and mass communication course.

The duration of this course is two years and it involves. The study of different forms of mass media to use them efficiently for conveying information to a large audience.

These mediums include both print and digital media avenues such as newspapers, radio, television, films, and social media.

This course provides both an advanced level. Theoretical as well as practical knowledge in various media professions. Such as advertising, journalism, event management, public relations, and digital media marketing.

For students who want to make a career in research, a course from the best university in mass communication in India acts as a foundation.

Career options after MA Journalism and Mass Communication Course

  • Correspondent: A correspondent is an on-the-scene journalist or reporter who gathers first-hand information about any event. They work in collaboration with newspapers, radio, television, or social media news platforms. While some correspondents cover current affairs, others take up researching topics for a story and interviewing people to gather information related to it. These articles/ news go in print /published online or broadcasted over radio/TV.
  • Editor: The job of an editor is to check the content and style of the publication. They mostly handle the managerial aspects of a publication/publishing house and sometimes contribute to the content as well.
  • Art Director: Art directors handle the visual aspects of any media campaign. They oversee the page layout of a publication or the media campaign and coordinate with other artistic staff such as graphic designers.
  • Content Writer: A content writer generates a wide variety of content for the internet right from web pages, blogs, and articles to write reviews. They write content as per the requirement of the client. A content writer’s work profile also includes proofreading or editing the content and uploading it on the internet.
  • Photographer: The work of a photographer is to blend his technical skills and creativity to create great pictures. A photographer these days can pick up any niche such as being a celebrity photographer, baby portfolio photographer, wedding photographer, wildlife photographer, aerial photographer, etc.
  • Public Relations Officer: The responsibility of a PR officer is to use a wide range of media options to build and sustain a good image for a person/brand/company through planned PR activities and publicity campaigns.
  • Cartoonist: A cartoonist draws cartoons/ caricatures that may be humorous, editorial, or political. These drawings sometimes accompany a news item or go individually as a regular comic strip.
  • Radio/Video Jockeys: An RJ (radio jockey) plays music, holds discussions with listeners and also conducts interviews on air. They are trained in handling the various types of equipment used for broadcasting and must be well aware of the current news. A VJ (video jockey) introduces music videos and hosts live events as well as those on electronic and social media. They chat with the audience and also take interviews of celebrities/artists/public figures.

Sum up

Always best way career options for a student of mass communication and journalism.