What is Checklist?

A checklist is a type of job aid. Which is used to reduce failure by compensating for potential limits of human memory and attention.

• Used in Audit / Inspection/ Investigation/ Performance Monitoring
• Used to identify the Unsafe Act/ Behaviour / Unsafe Condition etc.

Benefits / Merit/ Advantages / Strength of Checklists

• Ensures all points covered.
• Form of written record.
• Productivity improvement- Faster & Quicker approach – Provides an immediate record of findings and thus save time
• Allows for prior preparation and planning so that, the inspection can be structured and systematic
• Greater Efficiency – Efficient approach- Reduces the chance that important areas/issues may be missed
• Enables a consistent approach by those carrying out the inspection
• Provides an easy method for comparison
• Customized & Tailor Made approach for particular Business/ industry
• Helps in evaluation for identifying trends & patterns
• Uniformity approach and can be easily controlled by version controlled
• Allow less competent people also to do the inspection/ Audit.

Limitations/ De-merits / Disadvantages / Weakness of Checklists

• Over-reliance on the checklist leading to a “blinkered” approach
• Possibility that important risks might be missed
• Checklist not reviewed and updated even there are changes to work processes and equipment Inspections to become strictly routine with no “follow-up” questions being asked
• Checklist system is too much objective and restrictive with no scope for including peripheral issues.
• Untrained people may tempted to carry out inspections.
• Inspection / Audit procedure could be affected by human error.

See Also  –

Health Surveillance of Importance, Benefits, Reasons

Active and reactive monitoring

What are the advantages of Safety Survey over Safety inspection?